Privacy Guides
WatchGuard Privacy Guides describe how WatchGuard processes personal data in connection with WatchGuard products and services. For further information about how we process personal information please consult our Privacy Policy and Data Processing Addendum.
This privacy guide describes the processing of personal information by WatchGuard in connection with WatchGuard AuthPoint solutions. This includes the AuthPoint multi-factor authentication product, the AuthPoint Total Identity Security solution, and the enhancements offered as a part of these solutions including, AuthPoint management through WatchGuard Cloud, AuthPoint Mobile App, and related features.
Endpoint Security
WatchGuard has created this Privacy Guide to provide our customers with important information about how we process personal information in connection with WatchGuard Endpoint Security Services. WatchGuard Endpoint Security Services include WatchGuard EPP, EDR, EPDR, Advanced EPDR, as well as add-on security modules such as WatchGuard Patch Management, Full Encryption, Advanced Reporting Tool, and Data Control.
Network Security
WatchGuard has created this Privacy Guide to provide our customers with important information about how we process personal information in connection with WatchGuard Network Security Services. Our Network Security Services include our Support license, Basic Security Suite, Total Security Suite, and services offered as a part of these solutions, including Firebox management and network configuration through the WatchGuard Cloud, WatchGuard Dimension, and WatchGuard System Manager.