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NIS 2: What You Need to Know

The clock is ticking on NIS 2 compliance. The European Union's updated Network and Information Systems Directive raises the bar for cybersecurity across a broader range of organizations. Because of the larger number of organizations impacted by NIS 2, you must be ready to demonstrate compliance. However, NIS 2's stricter security measures and incident reporting requirements can feel overwhelming.

Here's where WatchGuard can help with our new white paper, NIS 2 Compliance with WatchGuard Technologies, specifically designed to help you understand the implications to your business. This comprehensive guide breaks down the critical aspects of NIS 2 in easy-to-digest language and provides requirement-matching solutions.

What You'll Learn in the WatchGuard NIS 2 White Paper

  • Who Is Affected by NIS 2? The white paper clarifies whether your business falls within the directive's scope. It covers essential sectors like energy, transportation, and waste management.
  • Understanding Your Obligations: Examine the security measures required by NIS 2, including risk management, incident reporting procedures, and information-sharing protocols.

Current Status

The implementation of NIS 2 is in its final stages. EU member states have until October 17, 2024, to reflect the directive in their national laws. This process, known as transposition, involves adopting local legislation that reflects the goals and requirements set out by NIS 2. While some member states are actively working on this, there are concerns that not all will meet the deadline. Regardless, organizations across affected sectors should prepare for the stricter cybersecurity measures and incident reporting mandated by NIS 2.


If you want to explore further how our solutions support NIS 2 compliance, contact your local WatchGuard sales representative. You can also learn more by reading our NIS 2 White Paper.