Explore WatchGuard Cloud
Get Started in WatchGuard Cloud Today!
See how easy it is to manage multi-factor authentication and endpoint, network, and Wi-Fi security all in one unified platform.

This demo will allow you to experience Cloud-native WatchGuard products and how our solutions can support your IT and security business needs.
Log in and navigate around WatchGuard Cloud to explore:
- Make your security stronger with XDR (eXtended Detection and Response) capabilities using ThreatSync
- Easy deployment of multiple Fireboxes and access points using Firebox templates and WatchGuard Access Point sites
- Advanced product integrations, such as MFA on remote user VPNs and access point VPNs to a Firebox
- Over 100 reports and dashboards across Firebox, AuthPoint MFA, Wi-Fi, and Endpoint Security
- An at-a-glance status of your licenses and expirations
- Guided walk-throughs
Thank you for your interest in the WatchGuard Cloud demo.
Get started now!
Log in to WatchGuard Cloud with the following credentials:
User Name: wgcdemo
Password: V1sibility
Access Demo
It will open in a new window.
Want to see more?
Please contact your WatchGuard representative for a comprehensive demonstration of all WatchGuard Cloud features, such as Firebox and wireless AP management, advanced reporting, endpoint security modules, risk-based authentication features, and more.
“This simplistic and Cloud-based approach can fundamentally transform how we deliver security to our end customers."
Matt Lee, CISSP, Director of Technology and Security, Iconic IT
Still Have Questions?
Our team is here to guide you through the solutions that best fit your needs.