Secplicity Blog
Cybersecurity Headlines & Trends Explained
Source Code Analysis: Exobot

WatchGuard recently released its Internet Security Report (ISR) for Q4 2018. In addition to the many interesting details of malware attacks, IPS hits, and top security incidents, there is also a Threat Research section that covers the Exobot malware campaign. You can listen to The 443 Podcast’s…
Phishing Passwords With Maersk, Microsoft and Adobe

We recently discovered a sharp increase in a particular phishing scam while reviewing threat intelligence from the Firebox feed, our threat data from Firebox appliances around the world. Its primary targets were in Germany and Italy, but we also found some instances of the campaign in the Asian…
How Data Moves Across a Network

Building on the Networking Basics article previously written and a high-level overview of How Servers Serve Content, I wanted to write about how data actually moves over a network. That is, what happens when a user on a network node communicates with another networked node. There are two main models…
How Servers Serve Content

Computers seem to be virtually limitless in their abilities – they can send and receive digital information, serve content via many defined protocols, compute algorithms much faster than a human can, and even provide countless hours of fun and entertainment. One very common use of computers is…
Networking Basics

Computers are a great tool and provide many perks to their users; they can perform tasks in a rather impressively fast manner, potentially offer paperless offices, and you’re even able to play computer games…of course not during working time! Aside from these great benefits, however, how useful…
Brexit Email Tricks Users Into Downloading Malware

Recently, some individuals received emails that used Brexit to trick them into opening malicious office document attachments. The document’s authors must have been watching the news carefully because the file’s name was Brexit 15.11.2018.docx and the emails came around the same time as the release…