Webinar: Outsourced Cybersecurity or In-House? How to Choose the Best Approach for Your Organization

The coronavirus pandemic created new challenges for businesses as they adapt to an operating model in which working from home has become the ‘new normal. In addition, threat actors constantly change their strategies, tools, and techniques. When their attacks become less effective, they look for new weaknesses to expose and move to.
In this context, MSPs are playing an increasingly important role in organizations' cybersecurity. Outsourcing their security delivery to MSPs enables them to focus on what they do best – running their businesses. But as always, there are pros and cons and depending on the needs of the organization, having an in-house team leading the cybersecurity is also an option. However, in the end, whatever the approach it is about doing the basics right – you need to secure your networks, users, and endpoints – and use best practices related to configurations and deployment, and keep up with the latest updates.
Clear up your doubts by joining our webinar in which WatchGuard’s Chief Information Officer, Wayson Vannatta, will discuss strategies that IT leaders can use to develop the security approach to thrive in an ever-changing risk environment, without added complexity. Key areas to consider when building your IT structure:
- Management responsibilities
- Cost of security
- Risk tolerance
- IT expertise