Configure SSID Settings

Applies To: Wi-Fi Cloud-managed Access Points (AP120, AP125, AP225W, AP320, AP322, AP325, AP327X, AP420)

SSID settings contain the parameters for Wi-Fi access on your network, including SSID name, private or guest network type, security protocols, VLAN, and captive portal settings. SSID settings are applied to all APs at the selected location.

SSID settings are also inherited by subfolder locations, and you can customize the settings for a specific subfolder.

To add a new SSID in Discover:

  1. Open Discover.
  2. Open the Navigator, and select a location where to apply the SSID settings.
  3. Select Configure > WiFi.
  4. Select the SSID tab.
  5. Click Add SSID.

Screen shot of the SSID Settings in Discover

  1. Complete each section of the SSID settings for your specific deployment. Click Save or Save & Turn SSID On when you finish.