Deploy Your Firebox with RapidDeploy
You can use RapidDeploy to set up a Firebox in a remote location. This is helpful when you do not have trained IT staff present at the remote location to help with the initial configuration of the device. All of the RapidDeploy methods enable you to send new Fireboxes to remote locations, before you have configured each device.
RapidDeploy is not supported on FireboxV devices.
RapidDeploy Methods
There are three RapidDeploy methods to remotely configure a device.
RapidDeploy from the WatchGuard website
To remotely configure a single Firebox, you can upload a RapidDeploy configuration to the WatchGuard website. You can use this option to configure a new device or to configure a device that has been reset to factory default settings. With this option, you create a configuration file for the device, and then upload the configuration file to the Product Details page for the device.
For more information, see Use RapidDeploy to Upload a Configuration File.
RapidDeploy from WatchGuard Cloud
Add the Firebox to WatchGuard Cloud and select the RapidDeploy option.
RapidDeploy from WatchGuard Cloud is available for Firebox M Series or T Series devices manufactured with Fireware v12.3.1 or higher.
To use RapidDeploy, you create and upload a configuration file compatible with the Firebox. When the Firebox starts with factory-default settings, it downloads and applies the configuration file. If WatchGuard Cloud is enabled in the configuration file, the Firebox connects and registers to WatchGuard Cloud automatically. You can select the RapidDeploy option and upload the configuration file when you add a compatible Firebox to your WatchGuard Cloud account.
For more information, see RapidDeploy from WatchGuard Cloud.
RapidDeploy from the Management Server
To remotely configure one or more Fireboxes for management, you can use RapidDeploy from your Management Server.
To use RapidDeploy from the Management Server, you must register your Management Server with the WatchGuard Deployment Center and then connect to the Deployment Center from your Management Server. In the Deployment Center, you add information for your Management Servers and the Fireboxes you want to register and deploy remotely.
For more information about RapidDeploy from a Management Server, see About the Deployment Center and RapidDeploy from the Management Server.
Deploy the Firebox
To complete any of these RapidDeploy methods, you must connect the Firebox to power and the Internet. The Firebox connects to WatchGuard to download and apply the configuration file.
Automatic Configuration Download
When the Firebox starts with factory-default settings, it automatically contacts WatchGuard to download a RapidDeploy configuration file, if one is available. For the Firebox to automatically connect and download the RapidDeploy configuration file, it must be connected to a network that uses DHCP and has Internet access.
RapidDeploy in the Web Setup Wizard
The RapidDeploy option is available in the Web Setup Wizard for Fireboxes that run Fireware v12.5.3 or higher.
If the Firebox cannot connect to WatchGuard to download the RapidDeploy configuration file, you can use the Web Setup Wizard to configure network settings for your Firebox to connect. For example, if the Firebox is connected to a network that uses PPPoE, you can use the Web Setup Wizard to configure the settings necessary for the Firebox to connect to WatchGuard for RapidDeploy.
Interface settings you configure in the Web Setup Wizard override the interface 0 configuration in the RapidDeploy configuration file.
For more information, see Run the Web Setup Wizard.
Check RapidDeploy Status
To view when the last RapidDeploy configuration file was uploaded, log in to your account on the WatchGuard website. On the Product Details page for the Firebox, click Go to RapidDeploy. The RapidDeploy Configuration Manager shows the last time the RapidDeploy configuration file was uploaded.
If you have previously configured any of the RapidDeploy methods for a Firebox, and later decide that you do not want the Firebox to use RapidDeploy, you can disable RapidDeploy from the Product Details page. For more information, see Disable RapidDeploy.