Monitor the Data Files Accessed

Applies To: WatchGuard Advanced Reporting Tool

The Data Files Accessed tab shows the data that leaves your network and enables you to help detect data leaks and theft of confidential information.

Screen shot of Advanced Visualization Tool, ART > Data Files Accessed tab

To see data files accessed, from the WatchGuard Endpoint Security management UI:

  1. In WatchGuard Cloud, select Monitor > Endpoints.
  2. Select Status.
  3. From the left pane, select Advanced Visualization Tool.
    A new browser tab opens.
  4. From the left pane, select Advanced Reporting > Data Access Control.
  5. Select a time period to filter the data on.

Screen shot of Advanced Visualization Tool, date selector

  1. Click Refresh.
    The dashboard shows information for the time period selected.
  2. Select the Data Files Accessed tab.
  3. In the Endpoints section, review endpoints that accessed files through non-standard means.
  4. In the Users & Extensions section, review file access and execution statistics by user and file extension.

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Data Access Control Dashboard

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