Configure Device Feedback Settings (WatchGuard Cloud)

Applies To: Cloud-managed Fireboxes

Firebox devices return detailed device feedback by default. WatchGuard uses this data to improve our products and assess threats. This data includes basic configuration settings and additional device information, such as which security services are enabled, the results of their operation (for example, the number of viruses detected in email and the number of web requests blocked), and policy reporting.

Fault reports include data about errors that occur on your device and include logs, core dumps, full configuration files, and more. We use this information to troubleshoot errors and make product quality improvements. This feedback option is disabled by default. To see the device feedback details, go to Device Feedback.

To see and update device feedback settings in WatchGuard Cloud:

  1. In WatchGuard Cloud, select Configure > Devices.
  2. Select the cloud-managed Firebox.
  3. Click Device Configuration.
  4. Click the Settings tile.
    The Settings page opens.

Screen shot of cloud-managed device configuration settings page, NTP Servers tab

  1. On the Device Feedback tab, to opt out of device feedback, clear the check box.

Screen shot of cloud-managed device configuration settings page, Device Feedback tab

  1. To automatically send daily fault reports, select the check box.
  2. To save configuration updates to the cloud, click Save.

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