View DNSWatchGO Chrome Extension Diagnostics

You can view diagnostic information for the DNSWatchGO Chrome extension. You might have to copy and send this information to WatchGuard Support when you troubleshoot problems.

To view DNSWatchGO Chrome extension diagnostics:

  1. In Chrome, next to the address bar, select the DNSWatchGO Chrome extension.
  2. Select Show Diagnostics.

Screen shot of the DNSWatchGO Chrome extension in Chrome

  1. Click Display Diagnostics.

Screen shot of the DNSWatchGO Diagnostics dialog box in the Chrome web store

  1. To copy diagnostic information to troubleshoot or to send to Support, copy the text in the dialog box.

Screen shot of the DNSWatchGO Diagnostics dialog box with details

  1. Paste the text in an email or text file to send to Support.

Related Topics

About DNSWatchGO for Chrome OS

Test the DNSWatchGO Chrome Extension Before Deployment

Deploy the DNSWatchGO Chrome Extension