Evaluate the Security of Your Passwords

Applies To: AuthPoint Total Identity Security

Use the Security Report feature to evaluate the strength of your passwords. In the password manager, the Security Report page shows you this information:

  • Leaked Passwords — The number of passwords you use that have been exposed in a data breach.
  • Weak Passwords — The number of passwords you have that are not considered complex. These passwords are easy to guess or vulnerable to brute force attacks.
  • Duplicate Passwords — The number of passwords that you use for more than one account. Using the same password for multiple accounts leaves you more vulnerable.
  • Old Passwords — The number of passwords that you have not changed in a long time. We recommend that you change your passwords periodically for each account.

You can tap on a report item to see more information. You can also tap Start a leaked password check to learn if any of your passwords have been compromised in a known data breach.

The leaked passwords check includes passwords that have been exposed directly and indirectly. For example, if you have an account with the password asdf1234, and another person's account with that same password was part of a data breach, your account is also considered leaked.

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