Quick Start — Set Up a New Firebox
Follow these steps to use the Web Setup Wizard to set up a new Firebox, or a Firebox that has been reset to factory-default settings.

You must activate your Firebox with WatchGuard to enable your hardware replacement warranty, receive technical support, and start your subscription to licensed security services.
To activate your Firebox:
- Open a web browser and go to https://myproducts.watchguard.com/activate.
- Log in to your WatchGuard account or create a new account*.
* If you create a new account, return to https://myproducts.watchguard.com/activate after you finish the account creation process. - Type the Firebox serial number. Make sure to include any hyphens.
- Click Next.
- Type a friendly name to identify the Firebox in your account.
- Click Activate.
After activation is complete, the Firebox appears in the Manage Products > Network Security list in your WatchGuard account. The activation process generates a Firebox feature key that enables you to configure licensed features and services on your Firebox. The Firebox downloads the feature key automatically during setup.

Make sure your computer is configured to use DHCP. The Firebox will assign your computer an IP address on the network.
To connect and power on the Firebox:
- Connect Firebox interface 0 to a network with Internet access.
- Power on the Firebox.
- Connect Firebox interface 1 to your computer, or use Wi-Fi to connect your computer to the Firebox, if supported.
- For a Firebox M5600 or M5800, connect your computer to the management interface, interface 32.
- For a Firebox M4800, connect your computer to the management interface, interface 24.
For wireless Firebox models that run Fireware v12.5.3 or higher, you can use Wi-Fi to connect to the Firebox for setup. Use these default Wi-Fi settings:
- SSID — Firebox model name and the last three octets of the wireless MAC address
(for example: T35-W-A1:B2:C3) - Password — Firebox serial number, including the dash. The Wi-Fi password is case-sensitive.
If your Firebox ships with Wi-Fi enabled, the default Wi-Fi settings are on an attached sticker. To make a Wi-Fi connection, scan the QR code or use the printed SSID and Wi-Fi key.

- Open a web browser and go to
- For a Firebox M5600 or M5800, go to
- For a Firebox M4800, go to
You can safely ignore certificate warnings because the Firebox uses a self-signed certificate.
- Log in with the user name admin and the passphrase readwrite.
- Select your configuration method:
- Cloud-Managed (Recommended) — Configure temporary network settings for interface 0 to enable the Firebox to connect to WatchGuard Cloud and download a configuration file. After the Firebox downloads the configuration, interface 0 uses the network settings configured in WatchGuard Cloud. Before you select this option, you must add the Firebox to WatchGuard Cloud as a cloud-managed device. The default configuration for cloud-managed Fireboxes automatically enables secure default firewall policies and your licensed subscription services. For more information, go to Add a Cloud-Managed Firebox to WatchGuard Cloud.
- Locally-Managed (Create New Configuration) — Create a new configuration that you can locally manage with Fireware Web UI or WatchGuard System Manager (WSM). With this option, you use the wizard to configure external and trusted interface settings. The wizard automatically enables default firewall policies and licensed subscription services.
- RapidDeploy — (Fireware v12.5.3 or higher) Configure network settings for interface 0 to enable the Firebox to connect to WatchGuard and download a configuration file you created for RapidDeploy. Before you select this option, you must upload a configuration file for RapidDeploy. For more information, go to Deploy Your Firebox with RapidDeploy.
- Restore from Backup Image — For a Firebox reset to factory default settings, use this option to restore an exported backup image, or restore a backup image from a USB drive connected to the Firebox. For more information, go to Restore a Firebox Backup Image.
- Follow the directions in the Web Setup Wizard to configure your Firebox.
- Install the Firebox in your network.
If you enable wireless in the Web Setup Wizard, the setup wizard configures a trusted network bridge. The bridge uses the trusted network settings you configured in the setup wizard.
WARNING: If you disable the default trusted bridge, you lose your connection to the Firebox. Before you disable the trusted bridge, configure another trusted network interface that you can connect to.
After you use the Web Setup Wizard to create a new configuration, your Firebox:
- Allows outbound FTP, Ping, DNS, TCP, and UDP connections.
- Blocks all unrequested traffic from the external network.
- Inspects outgoing FTP, HTTP, and HTTPS traffic.
- Uses licensed security services to protect the internal network.
For more information about policies and services the Web Setup Wizard configures, go to Setup Wizard Default Policies and Settings.

Congratulations! You have finished basic setup of your Firebox.
You can use Fireware Web UI to see and update the configuration and monitor your Firebox. You can also install and use WatchGuard System Manager (WSM) for management and monitoring, and add your Firebox to WatchGuard Cloud for logging and reporting. If your Firebox is cloud-managed, connect to WatchGuard Cloud for configuration and monitoring.
- Verify your Internet connectivity
With your Firebox installed in your network, make sure that your users can successfully browse the Internet.
- Add your Firebox to WatchGuard Cloud
You can add a locally-managed Firebox to WatchGuard Cloud to see cloud-based Firebox reports and alerts, and to manage Firebox firmware updates and backups. To get started, go to cloud.watchguard.com and log in with your WatchGuard Cloud account user name and password.
- Get the latest software
Upgrade Fireware and download other software to use with your Firebox.- To upgrade Fireware, use one of these methods:
- In Fireware Web UI, select System > Upgrade OS. For more information, go to Upgrade Fireware or WatchGuard System Manager.
- To upgrade a Firebox from WatchGuard Cloud, select your Firebox and click Upgrade to firmware <version>. For more information, go to Upgrade Firmware in WatchGuard Cloud.
- To download WatchGuard System Manager and other software to use with your Firebox, go to software.watchguard.com and select your Firebox model.
- To upgrade Fireware, use one of these methods:
- Explore the features and functions of your Firebox
Connect to Fireware Web UI or use WatchGuard System Manager to configure features and monitor your Firebox. If your Firebox is cloud-managed, log in to WatchGuard Cloud to configure the Firebox. Click Help on any page to learn more about any feature.
- Learn about the Firebox hardware
For hardware specifications, environmental requirements, installation instructions, regulatory compliance, and the hardware warranty, go to the Firebox Hardware Documentation for your Firebox model.
- Learn how to reset your Firebox to factory-default settings
If you ever need to, you can restore your Firebox to factory-default settings. For reset instructions for all Firebox models, go to Reset a Firebox.
If you reset the Firebox, the previously installed feature key is removed. When the Firebox restarts, if Interface 0 is connected to a network and can get a DHCP address, the Firebox automatically attempts to download the latest feature key from WatchGuard.
Additional Language Support

Activation de votre appliance Firebox
- Rendez-vous à l’adresse https://myproducts.watchguard.com/activate.
- Connectez-vous à votre compte WatchGuard ou créez un nouveau compte*.
* Si vous créez un nouveau compte, retournez à l’adresse https://myproducts.watchguard.com/activate à la fin du processus de création du compte. - Saisissez le numéro de série de votre appareil.
Branchement et mise sous tension de votre appliance Firebox
Assurez-vous que votre ordinateur est configuré pour utiliser le protocole DHCP. Lorsque vous connectez votre appliance Firebox, elle attribue une adresse IP sur le réseau
Connexion à l’interface utilisateur Web
- Rendez-vous à l’adresse
Votre appliance Firebox utilisant un certificat auto-signé, vous pouvez, sans risque, ignorer les avertissements liés aux certificats. - Connectez-vous avec le nom d’utilisateur admin et la phrase de passe readwrite.
- Suivez les instructions de l’Assistant de configuration Web pour configurer votre appliance Firebox.
- Installez l’appliance Firebox sur votre réseau.

Firebox aktivieren
- Rufen Sie die Website https://myproducts.watchguard.com/activate auf.
- Melden Sie sich bei Ihrem WatchGuard-Account an oder erstellen Sie ein neues Konto.*
*Falls Sie ein neues Konto erstellen, kehren Sie nach erfolgreichem Abschluss zur Seite https://myproducts.watchguard.com/activate zurück. - Geben Sie die Seriennummer Ihres Geräts ein.
Firebox anschließen und einschalten
Stellen Sie sicher, dass Ihr Computer für die Verwendung von DHCP konfiguriert ist. Wenn Sie eine Verbindung zu Ihrer Firebox herstellen, wird eine IP-Adresse im Netzwerk zugewiesen.
Verbindung zum Web-Interface herstellen
- Rufen Sie die Website auf.
Eventuell angezeigte Zertifikatswarnungen können Sie ignorieren, da die Firebox ein selbstsigniertes Zertifikat verwendet. - Melden Sie sich mit dem Benutzernamen admin und dem Kennwort readwrite an.
- Folgen Sie den Anweisungen im Web-Setup-Assistenten, um Firebox zu konfigurieren.
- Installieren Sie die Firebox in Ihrem Netzwerk.

Attivazione di Firebox
- Vai su www.https://myproducts.watchguard.com/activate.
- Accedi al tuo account WatchGuard, oppure creane uno nuovo*.
*Se crei un nuovo account, ritorna a https://myproducts.watchguard.com/activate al termine della procedura di creazione dell’account. - Digitare il numero di serie del proprio dispositivo.
Collegamento e accensione di Firebox
Verifica che il computer in uso sia configurato per utilizzare il protocollo DHCP. Quando installi il tuo Firebox, questo assegnerà al computer un indirizzo IP nella sottorete10.0.1.0/24.
Connessione all’interfaccia di gestione via Web
- Vai all’indirizzo
Puoi ignorare tranquillamente qualsiasi avviso di certificato visualizzato perché Firebox utilizza un certificato autofirmato. - Accedi con il nome utente admin e la passphrase readwrite.
- Per configurare l’unità Firebox, segui le indicazioni contenute nella procedura guidata Web.
- Installa Firebox nella tua rete.

Active su Firebox
- Visite https://myproducts.watchguard.com/activate.
- Inicie sesión con su cuenta de WatchGuard o cree una cuenta nueva*.
*Si usted crea una cuenta nueva, regrese a https://myproducts.watchguard.com/activate luego de finalizar el proceso. - Ingrese el número de serie de su dispositivo.
Conecte su Firebox y Enciéndalo
Asegúrese de que su equipo esté configurado para usar DHCP. Cuando se conecte a su Firebox, este le asignará una dirección IP en la red
Conéctese a la Interfaz de Usuario Web
- Visite
De manera segura, puede ignorar cualquier certificado de advertencia debido a que el Firebox usa un certificado con firma automática. - Inicie sesión con el nombre de usuario admin y la frase de contraseña readwrite.
- Siga las directivas en el asistente de instalación web para configurar su Firebox.
- Instale el Firebox en su red.

Ative seu Firebox
- Acesse https://myproducts.watchguard.com/activate
- Faça login na conta WatchGuard ou crie uma conta nova*.
*Se for criar uma conta nova, volte a https://myproducts.watchguard.com/activate depois de concluído o processo de criação de conta. - Insira o número de série do dispositivo.
Conecte o Firebox e ligue-o
Certifique-se de que o computador esteja configurado para usar DHCP. Ao conectar-se ao Firebox, ele atribuirá um endereço IP na rede
Conecte à interface de usuário da web
- Acesse
É seguro ignorar os avisos de certificado porque o dispositivo usa um certificado autoassinado. - Faça login com o nome de usuário admin e a senha readwrite.
- Siga as instruções no Assistente de Configuração da Web para configurar seu Firebox.
- Instale o Firebox na rede.

Firebox を起動する
- https://myproducts.watchguard.com/activate にアクセスします。
- 登録済みの _WatchGuard アカウントにログインするか、新しいアカウントを作成します*。
* 新しいアカウントを作成する場合は、アカウント作成プロセスが完了してからもう一度 https://myproducts.watchguard.com/activate にアクセスしてください。 - デバイスのシリアル番号を入力します。
Firebox を接続して電源を入れる
コンピュータがDHCP を使用するように設定されていることを確認します。Firebox への接続時に、 ネットワーク上のIP アドレスが割り当てられます。
Web UI に接続する
- にアクセスします。
Firebox は自己署名証明書を使用するため、証明書に関する警告は無視して _かまいません。 - ユーザー名 admin とパスフレーズ readwrite でログインします。
- ウェブセットアップ・ウィザードの手順に従って、Firebox を設定します。
- ネットワークに Firebox をインストールします。

Firebox 활성화
- https://myproducts.watchguard.com/activate로 이동합니다.
- WatchGuard 계정으로 로그인하거나 새 계정을 만듭니다*.
*새 계정을 만들 경우 계정 생성 과정을 마친 후 _https://myproducts.watchguard.com/activate 로 돌아가십시오. - 장치의 일련 번호를 입력합니다.
Firebox 연결 및 전원 켜기
컴퓨터가 DHCP를 사용하도록 설정되어 있는지 확인합니다. Firebox에 연결할 때 네트워크의 IP 주소가 자동으로 할당됩니다.
Web UI에 연결
-으로 이동합니다.
Firebox에서 자체 서명된 인증서를 사용하기 때문에 인증서 경고는 안심하고 무시하시면 됩니다. - 사용자 이름 admin과 암호 readwrite를 사용하여 로그인합니다.
- Web Setup Wizard의 지침에 따라 Firebox를 구성합니다.
- 네트워크에 Firebox를 설치합니다.

激活您的 Firebox
- 访问 https://myproducts.watchguard.com/activate。
- 登录您的 WatchGuard 帐户,或者创建一个新帐户*。
*如果创建新帐户,请在完成帐户创建过程之后返回到 https://myproducts.watchguard.com/activate。 - 输入设备的序列号。
连接您的 Firebox 并开启电源
确保您的计算机配置为使用 DHCP。连接 Firebox 后,它将在 网络上分配一 个 IP 地址。
- 访问。
您可以安全地忽略证书警告,因为 Firebox 使用自签名证书。 - 使用用户名 admin 和密码 readwrite 登录。
- 按照网络设置向导中的说明配置您的 Firebox。
- 在您的网络中安装 Firebox。

啟用您的 Firebox
- 前往 https://myproducts.watchguard.com/activate。
- 登入您的 WatchGuard 帳戶,或建立新的帳戶*。
*若建立新的帳戶,請在帳戶建立程序完成後 返回 https://myproducts.watchguard.com/activate。 - 輸入您的裝置序號。
連接您的 Firebox 並開啟電源
請確定您的電腦已設定為使用 DHCP。連線到 Firebox 時,它將會指派 網路上的 IP 位址。
連線到 Web UI
- 前往。
您可以安全地忽略憑證警告,因為 Firebox使用自我簽署憑證。 - 利用使用者名稱 admin 與密碼 readwrite 登入。
- 依照「Web 安裝精靈」中的指示,設定 Firebox。
- 在您的網路中安裝 Firebox。