Use Scripts, Utilities, and Third-Party Software with the Log Server

You can use several scripts, utilities, and applications from the command line to do certain tasks with the Log Server. You can also use some third-party software with the Log Server. These tasks are designed to help you with problems that arise outside of normal Log Server operations. WatchGuard does not support the use of these scripts and utilities for procedures. Use them solely at your own risk.

You can use scripts, utilities, applications, and third-party software to:

In the code examples shown in these topics, backup.db is used as a default file name for the contents of your database. You can choose a different filename when you perform the procedure. Additionally, the letter X is used in path names to designate letters or numbers that may be different for each user. For example, if the path name includes a directory such as wsm11.x, you should look for a directory with a similar name, such as wsm11.4. If you have multiple versions of WatchGuard System Manager or Fireware XTM installed, you may have to repeat the procedures for each version.