Configure SAML Single Sign-On

Some of the features described in this version of Fireware Help are only available to participants in the WatchGuard Beta program. If a feature described in this topic is not available in your version of Fireware, it is a beta-only feature.

You can enable Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) single sign-on (SSO) to authenticate users with your Firebox. With SAML, you can exchange data between an Identity Provider (IdP) and a Service Provider (SP). In the SAML configuration on the Firebox, you can configure the Firebox as the SP.

To configure SSO for Firebox users:

  • Configure the SAML service provider settings on your Firebox.
  • Connect to the configuration instructions page hosted on your Firebox.
  • Give the SAML information on the configuration instructions page to your IdP administrator.
  • In your account on the IdP website, the IdP administrator must configure the Firebox as an SP.
  • On the Firebox, configure the SAML IdP settings.

Your Identity Provider must meet the WatchGuard requirements for SAML 2.0 communication. For more information about SAML requirements, go to SAML Requirements for Identity Providers.

Configure the SAML Service Provider Settings on the Firebox

In the SAML configuration on the Firebox, you configure the Firebox as the SP and a third-party service as the IdP.

Next, you must connect to the Configuration Instructions Page hosted by the Firebox.

Connect to the Configuration Instructions Page

After you save the SAML configuration, the Firebox automatically generates a web page that includes additional SAML configuration information. You must give this information to your IdP administrator so the administrator can configure the account settings for your company on the IdP website.

To connect to the configuration instructions page:

  1. Go to https://[Host name or IP address for Firebox SAML]/auth/saml.
    The configuration instructions page appears.

Screenshot of SAML configuration dialog box.

  1. Follow the instructions for either Option 1 or 2.

Option 1 — Automatic Configuration

If your IdP accepts SAML metadata from SPs, give the URL in the Option 1 section to your IdP Administrator.

Option 2 — Manual Configuration

If your IdP does not accept SAML metadata from SPs, give the URLs and certificate in the Option 2 section to your IdP Administrator.

Next, your IdP administrator must input the metadata URL from Option 1, or the URLs and certificate from Option 2, to the account settings for your company on the IdP website. The IdP administrator must also give you the IdP Metadata URL. For information about IdP configuration, see the documentation for your Identity Provider.

To complete the SAML setup, you must configure the Identity Provider settings on your Firebox.

Configure the SAML Identity Provider Settings on Your Firebox

In the SAML configuration on the Firebox, you must now configure the SAML configuration settings for your third-party IdP.

View Log Messages for SAML Authentication

In Fireware v12.11 and higher, you can use the SAML authentication diagnostic log messages to troubleshoot problems with SAML authentication for users. SAML log messages use the samld identifier.

For example:
2024-08-15 16:26:43 samld ACS: user [email protected] from sslvpn_client logged in
For information about diagnostic logs and how to view them, go to Traffic Monitor.

Related Topics

About SAML Single Sign-On

SAML Requirements for Identity Providers

About the Access Portal