Axcient Anchor Integration with AuthPoint

Deployment Overview

This document describes how to set up multi-factor authentication (MFA) for Axcient Anchor with the AuthPoint mobile app. Because Axcient Anchor does not support SAML authentication, this integration requires users to activate an Axcient Anchor software token in the AuthPoint mobile app. Because this is a third-party software token, you cannot block users or create access policies for this application.

Axcient Anchor must already be configured and deployed before you set up MFA with AuthPoint.

Before You Begin

Before you begin these procedures, make sure that:

  • You have an Axcient Anchor administrative account
  • The AuthPoint mobile app is installed on your mobile device

Configure Axcient Anchor

  1. Log in to Axcient Anchor as an administor.
  2. Click Settings.

Screenshot that shows the Axcient Anchor dashboard page.

  1. Select Policies.
  2. In the User Settings section, select the Require two-step authentication check box.

Screenshot of the Settings page.

  1. Click Save.
    You are prompted to set an MFA method for your administrative account.
  2. For Authentication Mode, select Authenticator mobile app.
  3. In the Current Password and Confirm Password text boxes, type your password.
  4. Click Submit.

Screenshot of the Enable Two-Step Authentication page.

  1. Save your backup key.
  2. Open the AuthPoint app on your mobile device.
  3. Tap to open the QR code reader. Then point the camera on your phone at the QR code on your computer screen to activate your Axcient Anchor token.
    An Axcient Anchor token is added to the Third-Part Tokens section.
  4. In the Authentication Code text box, type the one-time password shown for your Axcient Anchor token in the AuthPoint mobile app.
  5. Click Submit.

Two-step authentication web page with the QR Code to activate your Axcient Anchor token.

When your users log in for the first time after MFA has been enabled, they must select an Authentication Mode and activate a token in the AuthPoint mobile app.

Test the Integration

To test AuthPoint MFA with Axcient Anchor, you can authenticate with the Axcient Anchor mobile token on your mobile device.

  1. In a web browser, go to the Axcient Anchor URL.
  2. Type your email address and password.
  3. Click Log in.
    You are prompted for your authentication code.
  4. Open the AuthPoint app on your mobile device and type the one-time password shown for your Axcient Anchor token.
  5. Click Log in.
    You are authenticated and logged in to Axcient Anchor.