WatchGuard Product Order API

Version: 1.7.2

Version History

Download the API specification


This API is reserved for WatchGuard distributors only. If you are a WatchGuard Partner or Service Provider, you cannot use this API.

The WatchGuard Product Order API is a REST API that distributors can use to order and manage subscriptions for WatchGuard products.

The Product Order API eliminates the need to exchange order data manually and enables distributors to:

  • Retrieve data from the WatchGuard product catalog to use in their online portals.
  • Submit purchase orders to WatchGuard when partners order products.
  • Associate device serial numbers with subscription contracts (physical hardware subscriptions only).
  • Cancel subscription contracts.
  • Retrieve information for invoices and subscription contracts.
  • Retrieve shipping information and other details for drop-ship orders.
  • Retrieve license usage details for partner accounts.

This API documentation explains how to access the Product Order API and includes examples to help you get started. For detailed information about the Product Order API endpoints, see the API specification.

Key Terms

These terms describe product order and subscription billing concepts:

Partner — Company that sells WatchGuard devices, products, and services to customers. Partners are sometimes referred to as Resellers.

Distributor — Company that fulfills partner orders for WatchGuard products and helps partners to deliver network security solutions.

Product — SKU that distributors can order from the WatchGuard product catalog. For example, WatchGuard Firebox M370 with 3-yr Total Security Suite Monthly Subscription.

Service Suite — Product component that defines which subscription services are available on a device. Service suite options are Standard Support, Basic Security, and Total Security.

Serial Number — Unique number that identifies a specific WatchGuard device.

Subscription Contract — Details of a subscription purchased by a partner for a WatchGuard product. Includes order and billing information. This can be a three year contract (paid monthly for 36 months) or a one month contract.

Grace Period — The amount of time between the date WatchGuard creates a subscription contract and the date billing starts. For hardware subscriptions, partners can activate and use a device in the grace period. For software subscriptions, partners can allocate licenses in the grace period.

Feature Key — File that enables features and services on a WatchGuard device. Each feature key includes an expiration date, after which the device returns to an out-of-box state that allows only one Internet connection and one connected device.

Drop-ship — Type of order fulfillment where WatchGuard ships physical hardware devices directly to partners on behalf of a distributor.

About Subscription Billing

The WatchGuard Product Order API helps distributors to integrate their systems with the WatchGuard product catalog and submit order information to WatchGuard.

When a customer orders a subscription product from a distributor, the subscription billing process starts. The subscription billing process includes these steps:

Getting Started

This section describes how to submit requests to the Product Order API.


WatchGuard public APIs use the Open Authorization (OAuth) 2.0 authorization framework for token-based authentication. OAuth is an open standard that provides secure access to protected resources.

To request an access token, you send a request to the WatchGuard Authentication API. The request must include the API access credentials you received from WatchGuard, encoded into base64. The string to encode must be in the form: access_id:access_pwd.

After you receive an access token, include the access token and your API key in the header of all requests to the Product Order API.

Request an Access Token

To get an access token from the WatchGuard Authentication API, make a request to the /oauth/token endpoint.

Request URL

The URL you use to request an access token depends on the environment:

  • Staging — https://api.staging.<region>
  • Production — https://api.<region>
Request Headers




The text "Basic" followed by a space and the API access credentials provided by WatchGuard in the format access_ID:access_pwd encoded into base64.

Example: Basic dXNlcm5hbWU6N3loVHI1RHNkLWg2YTktODVnZS1nNjc4OTNoNmUwdGQ

Most programming languages include functions to encode base64 strings. You can also use online tools to encode text to base64.

Request Body


The grant type value for the client credentials grant mechanism. The value must be client_credentials


The scope of the access request. If the request includes this parameter, the value must be api-access.

Example Request
curl -X POST \ 
	-H 'accept: application/json' \
	-H 'Authorization: Basic dXNlcm5hbWU6N3loVHI1RHNkLWg2YTktODVnZS1nNjc4OTNoNmUwdGQ' \ 
	-H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
	-d 'grant_type=client_credentials&scope=api-access'
Example Response
	"access_token": "eyJraWQiOiJNWnpabklNK2V6Q3BXUE...",
	"token_type": "Bearer",
	"expires_in": 3600,
	"scope": "api-access",

The response contains this information:


The generated access token that is used to authorize your API requests.

To prove your identity, you must include an access token in the header of all requests you make to the Product Order API. Use the token as the value of the Authorization parameter in the API request header.


The type of token generated.

The value is always Bearer.


The amount of time until the access token expires, in seconds.

The value is always 3600.


The scope of the access request.

The scope is always api-access.

When you make an API request, include your access token in the Authorization header parameter and your API access key in the WatchGuard-API-Key parameter. For example:

curl -X GET \
	-H 'Accept: application/json' \
	-H 'Authorization: Bearer eyJraWQiOiJNWnpabklNK2V6Q3BXUE...' \
	-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
	-H 'WatchGuard-API-Key: s9t7El6RZFg8UcmRhYKdwXqBhyuioiWER83Nqd0tL'

Access Token Expiration

When you generate an access token, the token is valid for 3600 seconds (1 hour).

You can reuse the same token in public API requests until it expires, then you must request a new token. If you use an expired token in a request, the response contains the 401 Unauthorized status code.

Use one of these methods to determine when to request a new access token:

  • Keep track of the time since you received a token, and request a new token before the number of seconds in the expires_in field for the current token reaches zero.
  • Request a new token after you receive the 401 Unauthorized status code that indicates the current token is expired.

HTTP Requests

Use these components to construct HTTP requests to the Product Order API:

Component Description

HTTP Method

One of these methods:

  • GET — Requests data from the API
  • POST — Submits data to the API
  • PUT — Updates all data in a resource
  • PATCH — Updates only specified data in a resource
  • DELETE — Deletes data in a resource
  • OPTIONS — Describes the communication options for the resource
  • TRACE — Performs a message loop-back along the path to the resource


URL of the API.

The base API URL varies based on the environment you use. For example, you might make requests to the Staging environment when you test your integration. When your integration is fully tested, you make requests to the Production environment.

  • Staging[api_name]/[endpoint]
  • Productionhttps://api.[region][api_name]/[endpoint]

To see the Manage Products page for the Staging environment, you must log in to

The base API URL also varies by region. The base API URL for your account appears on the Managed Access page in your WatchGuard Cloud account.

  • APAC Region
  • EMEA Region
  • NA/Americas Region

Each WatchGuard public API has a version, expressed as <major>.<minor>.<patch>. For more information, see Versioning. You specify the major API version, such as v1, as part of the endpoint URI path:

Some endpoint URIs include required path parameters. For example, this endpoint URI must include the subscriptionContractId of a subscription contract:{subscriptionContractId}/SerialNumber

Query Parameters


Optional query parameters to filter or limit the requested data. For example:


Each endpoint supports different query parameters.

Request Headers


Information to include in the HTTP request header.

You must include these custom headers in all requests:

  • Authorization — The access token that you received from the WatchGuard Authentication API.
  • Content-Type — Specifies the format of the request body, such as application/json.
  • WatchGuard-API-Key — The API access_key you received from WatchGuard.

In curl, you specify custom headers with the -H command. For example:

curl -X GET \
	-H 'Accept: application/json' \
	-H 'Authorization: Bearer eyJraWQiOiJNWnpabklNK2V6Q3BXUE...' \
	-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
	-H 'WatchGuard-API-Key: s9t7El6RZFg8UcmRhYKdwXqBhyuioiWER83Nqd0tL' 

Request Body


Data to submit with the API request.

Some API endpoints require that you include data in JSON format in the request body.

In curl, you specify the data to submit with the -d command. For example:

-d {
	"purchaseOrderNumber": "124598-7845",
	"resellerId": "ACC-1235467",
	"lineItems": [
		"sku": "WGM37933"

Example Requests

This request to the /Products endpoint returns products for the M370 Firebox model:

curl -X GET \ 
	-H 'Accept: application/json' \
	-H 'Authorization: Bearer eyJraWQiOiJNWnpabklNK2V6Q3BXUE...' \
	-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
	-H 'WatchGuard-API-Key: s9t7El6RZFg8UcmRhYKdwXqBhyuioiWER83Nqd0tL' 

This request to the /Invoices/{InvoiceNumber} endpoint returns details of a specific invoice:

curl -X GET \
	-H 'Accept: application/json' \
	-H 'Authorization: Bearer eyJraWQiOiJNWnpabklNK2V6Q3BXUE...' \
	-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
	-H 'WatchGuard-API-Key: s9t7El6RZFg8UcmRhYKdwXqBhyuioiWER83Nqd0tL'  

This request to the /PurchaseOrders endpoint creates a new purchase order:

curl -X POST \ 
	-H 'Accept: application/json' \
	-H 'Authorization: Bearer eyJraWQiOiJNWnpabklNK2V6Q3BXUE...' \
	-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
	-H 'WatchGuard-API-Key: s9t7El6RZFg8UcmRhYKdwXqBhyuioiWER83Nqd0tL' \
	-d '{
	 "purchaseOrderNumber": "123421-896",
	 "resellerId": "ACC-12345786",
	 "isDropShipOrder": "false",			
		{ "sku": "WGM37933" } 

Status and Error Codes

WatchGuard public APIs use HTTP status codes to indicate the success or failure of a request:

Status Code Description

200 Success

The request succeeded.

201 Created

The request succeeded and the resource was created.

204 No Content

The server processed the request successfully, but did not return a response.

207 Multi-Status

The response body contains multiple statuses for different parts of a batch or bulk request.

301 Moved Permanently

The requested resource has a new permanent URI. This and future requests should use the returned URI.

303 See Other

The response to the request can be found at a different URI with the GET method.

304 Not Modified

The requested resource has not been modified since the date specified in the request headers.

307 Temporary Redirect

The requested resource has a temporary URI.

400 Bad Request

The API does not understand the request because of bad syntax. This could be because:

  • The request did not include a required parameter
  • Request parameter data was not in the correct format
  • Request parameters do not match the expected data types

To resolve this error, make sure that the request matches the expected syntax.

401 Unauthorized

Authentication failed because credentials are missing or invalid.

403 Forbidden

The request failed because you do not have permission to perform the action or access the resource. If the error message states that your account region is not set, contact Customer Care.

404 Not Found

The resource specified in the request does not exist.

To resolve this error, make sure that the request includes a valid resource.

405 Method Not Allowed

The method is not allowed for the resource specified in the request.

406 Not Acceptable

The resource can only generate content that is not acceptable based on the Accept headers sent in the request.

408 Request Timeout

The server timed out while it waited for the request.

409 Conflict

The request could not complete because of a conflict. For example, two clients tried to create the same resource.

410 Gone

The requested resource no longer exists.

412 Precondition Failed

A precondition in a request header field failed. For example, the If-match condition failed.

415 Unsupported Media Type

The request includes a media type that the server or resource does not support.

423 Locked

The requested resource is locked.

428 Preconditioned Required

The server requires the request to be conditional.

429 Too Many Requests

The request exceeds the quota of allowed API requests for each day. Each day starts at 00:00 UTC.

500 Server Error

An error occurred on the server.

504 Gateway Timeout

The server did not receive a response from the upstream WatchGuard server within 30 seconds.

This error can sometimes occur if you submit a request to create a purchase order that includes a large number of line items, and does not necessarily indicate that the request failed. For more information, go to Create a New Purchase Order.

API Responses

Some calls to the Product Order API return data in the response body in JSON format.

For example, if you make a request to the /Contracts/{subscriptionContractId} endpoint, the response body includes details of the requested subscription contract:

	"subscriptionContractId": "SB000015439",
	"distributorId": "WGTESTDISTI",
	"resellerId": "ACC-1234569",
	"subscriptionStatus": "Active",
	"purchaseOrderNumber": "12456987",
	"purchaseOrderReceivedDate": "2019-02-15T00:00:00+00:00",
	"serviceSku": "WGM37933",
	"invoiceSkuDescription": "WatchGuard Firebox M370 with 3-yr Total Security Suite Monthly Subscription",
	"applianceSku": "",
	"serialNumber": "",
	"serialNumberReceivedDate": "1900-01-01T00:00:00+00:00",
	"totalSubscriptionTermCost": 4989.6,
	"termInMonths": 36,
	"termBillingStartDate": "2019-03-15T00:00:00+00:00",
	"termBillingEndDate": "2022-03-14T00:00:00+00:00",
	"termInvoicesPosted": 0,
	"totalTermChargesInvoiced": 0,
	"remainingInvoicesForTerm": 36,
	"remainingBalance": 4989.6,
	"totalExtensionInvoices": 0,
	"totalExtensionChargesInvoiced": 0,
	"totalSubscriptionLifetimeCost": 0,
	"userCount": 0

For detailed information about responses for each endpoint, see the API specification.


Some GET endpoints that return a list of objects support pagination through the take and skip request parameters:


Specifies the number of objects to return.


Bypasses the specified number of objects before the endpoint returns results.

You can use these parameters to construct queries for pages of results. For example, this request returns results 11–20 from the list of objects:

curl -X GET \
	-H 'Accept: application/json' \
	-H 'Authorization: Bearer eyJraWQiOiJNWnpabklNK2V6Q3BXUE...' \
	-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
	-H 'WatchGuard-API-Key: s9t7El6RZFg8UcmRhYKdwXqBhyuioiWER83Nqd0tL' 


Products are items that distributors can order from WatchGuard. You can use the Product Order API to get product data from the WatchGuard product catalog.

Query the WatchGuard Product Catalog

The WatchGuard product catalog includes details of all products that distributors can order from WatchGuard.

To request data from the product catalog to integrate with your online portal, you can make GET requests to these API endpoints:

Endpoint Description


Returns products from the WatchGuard product catalog.

Each product includes basic information such as the product description, family, type, model, and dimensions, contract details such as the contract term, service suite, invoice frequency, and MSRP, as well as key selling points provided by WatchGuard, and a URL to an image of the product.

You can use these request parameters to filter the results of the query:

  • model
  • family
  • serviceSuite
  • classification

These parameters can be up to 40 characters (numbers, letters, dashes, and underscores only).

You can use the take and skip request parameters to return pages of results from the product catalog. For more information, see Pagination.


Returns a list of WatchGuard product models. Models are different hardware devices, such as the Firebox M370, or software products, such as AuthPoint.

You can use the family request parameter to filter the results of the query.

For detailed information about WatchGuard product models, see the WatchGuard website.


Returns a list of all WatchGuard product types. Product types are different groups of products within a product category.

For example, the Firebox product category includes the M Series and T Series product types.


Returns a list of all WatchGuard product families.

Product families are different groups of WatchGuard products within a product category. For example, the Firebox product category includes the M Series and T Series product families.


Returns a list of all WatchGuard service suites. Service suites define which subscription services are available for a device or product. These service suites are available:

  • Standard Support — Support only, no security services
  • Basic Security — Support and basic security services
  • Total Security — Support and all security services

For more information about Basic Security Suite and the Total Security Suite, see the WatchGuard website.


Returns a list of all WatchGuard product classifications. Classifications define a type of contract, such as Subscription.

You could use the response data from calls to these endpoints to populate drop-down lists in an order page on your online portal. For example, this request returns all models in the WatchGuard product catalog:

curl -X GET \
	-H 'Accept: application/json' \
	-H 'Authorization: Bearer eyJraWQiOiJNWnpabklNK2V6Q3BXUE...' \
	-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
	-H 'WatchGuard-API-Key: s9t7El6RZFg8UcmRhYKdwXqBhyuioiWER83Nqd0tL'

When a partner selects options from the drop-down lists and searches for product matches, you could then construct a filtered request to the Products endpoint to return the relevant products from the WatchGuard product catalog.

Example Request

To get available products for the Firebox M370 model with the Total Security service suite, make this request to the Products endpoint:

curl -X GET \ 
	-H 'Accept: application/json' \
	-H 'Authorization: Bearer eyJraWQiOiJNWnpabklNK2V6Q3BXUE...' \
	-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
	-H 'WatchGuard-API-Key: s9t7El6RZFg8UcmRhYKdwXqBhyuioiWER83Nqd0tL'

Example Response

In response to the example request, the API returns details of two products from the WatchGuard product catalog in the response body. The products have different contract terms (Monthly and 3 Years).

	"results": [
	"description": "WatchGuard Firebox M370 with 3-yr Total Security Suite Monthly Subscription",
	"category": "Network Security > Firebox",
	"family": "M-Series",
	"model": "M370",
	"sku": "WGM37933",
	"serviceSuite": "Total Security",
	"classification": "Subscription",
	"contractTerm": "3-yr",
	"invoicingFrequency": "Monthly",
	"msrp": 231,
	"region": "Regionless",
	"dimensions": "N/A",
	"weight": "N/A",
	"marketingText": "WatchGuard Firebox M370 appliances combine strong security, high performance...",
	"imageUrls": [
	"keySellingPoints": [
		"Firewall throughput of 8 Gbps to keep traffic moving, with the best UTM throughput...",
		"Latest generation multi-core processors provide the power to run all security scanning...",
	"dataSheetUrl": "",
	"pricingCategory": "P",
	"upc": "654522031341",
	"embedUrls": [
	"description": "WatchGuard Firebox M370 with 1-month Total Security Suite Subscription",
	"category": "Network Security > Firebox",
	"family": "M-Series",
	"model": "M370",
	"sku": "WGM37938",
	"serviceSuite": "Total Security",
	"classification": "Subscription",
	"contractTerm": "1-mo",
	"invoicingFrequency": "Monthly",
	"msrp": 269,
	"region": "Regionless",
	"dimensions": "N/A",
	"weight": "N/A",
	"marketingText": "WatchGuard Firebox M370 appliances combine strong security, high performance...",
	"imageUrls": [
	"keySellingPoints": [
		"Firewall throughput of 8 Gbps to keep traffic moving, with the best UTM throughput...",
		"Latest generation multi-core processors provide the power to run all security scanning...",
	"dataSheetUrl": "",
	"pricingCategory": "P",
	"upc": "654522031358",
	"embedUrls": [

Purchase Orders

Purchase orders include details of the products distributors want to order from the WatchGuard product catalog. You can use the Product Order API to submit purchase orders to WatchGuard.

Create a New Purchase Order

After the partner selects products on your portal and submits an order, you must create a new purchase order. Purchase orders include details of the products you want to order from the WatchGuard product catalog. WatchGuard uses the information from the purchase order to generate a subscription contract.

If you want WatchGuard to fulfill a hardware order on your behalf and ship devices directly to the partner, you must set the isDropShipOrder parameter to true and include shipping information in the dropShipOrderInfo parameters.

To create a new purchase order and send it to WatchGuard, you must submit a request to the /PurchaseOrders endpoint.

The JSON request body must include these purchaseOrderRequest parameters:


Unique number for this purchase order.

Must be between 0 and 20 characters and can include only letters, numbers, and dashes.

Example: 124598-7845


Unique ID that identifies the partner. This is the partner ID that appears in the partner profile on the WatchGuard portal.

Must be between 11 and 13 characters. Format is ACC-xxxxxxx, where xxxxxxx is a number.

Example: ACC-1235467



Specifies whether the order will be drop-shipped. Default is false.

If you specify true, WatchGuard will ship the order directly to the partner or customer on your behalf.

Only orders for physical hardware products can be drop-shipped. You cannot create drop-ship orders for virtual Fireboxes (FireboxV or FireboxCloud) or software products.

Example: True


Drop-ship information for the order.

Only specify this information if the isDropShipOrder parameter is true.


Name of the company to ship the order to.

Example: Example Company, Inc.


Name of a contact at the company to ship to.

Example: Maria Rodriguez


Carrier account number to use for shipping.

For UPS, specify a six-character account number. Example: V69W42. If you do not know your UPS account number, see the UPS KB article, How to find your UPS account number.

For Fedex, specify a nine-digit account number. Example: 123456789. If you do not know your Fedex account number, see the Fedex article, I forgot my account number, where is it?

Example: 123456789


Shipping method to use for the order.

This can be one of these values:

  • FEDEX 10AM
  • UPS 2 DAY
  • UPS 3 DAY

Example: FEDEX 10AM


Phone number of a contact at the company to ship to.

Example: 1234567890


Phone extension of a contact at the company to ship to.

Example: 123


Email address of a contact at the company to ship to. This is the email address we use for shipping information.

Example: [email protected]


Address to ship the order to.


First line of the street address. For example, number and street.

Example: 505 5th Avenue South


Second line of the street address. For example, suite or apartment number.

Example: Suite 500


Third line of the street address. For example, PO box.

Typically used only for international addresses or addresses that do not fit on two lines.

Example: PO Box 1234


Name of the city or town.

Example: Seattle


State or province. Two-letter code for US states. Maximum: 29 characters.

Example: WA


Zip or postal code. Maximum: 11 characters.

Example: 98104


Country name. Maximum: 61 characters.

Example: United States


Set of SKUs for the products ordered. A purchase order can include SKUs for multiple products.


SKU for a product in the order.

Must be a valid product SKU from the WatchGuard product catalog, and must include only letters and numbers.

For software products, you must order the provisioning SKU for the product you want.

Example: WGM37938

Example Request

This request to the PurchaseOrders endpoint creates a new purchase order for two hardware products that WatchGuard will fulfill on behalf of the distributor and drop-ship directly to the partner:

curl -X POST \ 
	-H 'Accept: application/json' \
	-H 'Authorization: Bearer eyJraWQiOiJNWnpabklNK2V6Q3BXUE...' \
	-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
	-H 'WatchGuard-API-Key: s9t7El6RZFg8UcmRhYKdwXqBhyuioiWER83Nqd0tL' \
	-d '{
		"purchaseOrderNumber": "55498745",
		"resellerId": "ACC-4593211",
		"isDropShipOrder": true,
		"dropShipOrderInfo": {
			"companyName": "Example Company",
			"contactName": "Maria Rodriguez",
			"carrierAccountNumber": "123456789",
			"shipMethod": "FEDEX GROUND",
			"phoneNumber": "1234567890",
			"phoneExtension": "1",
			"emailAddress": "[email protected]",
			"shipToAddress": {
			"streetAddress1": "505 5th Avenue South",
			"streetAddress2": "Suite 500",
			"streetAddress3": "",
			"city": "Seattle",
			"state": "WA",
			"postalCode": "98104",
			"country": "United States"
		"lineItems": [
			"sku": "WGM37933" 
			"sku": "WGM37938" 

Example Response

If the API successfully creates a purchase order, it returns a 200 status code and the new purchase order object. In the lineItems array, the subscriptionContractId parameter in each line item includes the generated subscription contract IDs for each product ordered.

"purchaseOrderNumber": "55498745",
"resellerId": "ACC-4593211",
"lineItems": [
		"sku": "WGM37933",
		"subscriptionContractId": "SB000015755"
		"sku": "WGM37938",
		"subscriptionContractId": "SB000015756"

If the API successfully creates a purchase order, but WatchGuard could not automatically generate a license key for a software product in the order, the API returns a 202 status code. In the response, the activationStatus parameter for the software product line item includes the text "Failed. Auto-provisioning error. Please contact WatchGuard Customer Care." To activate the software product, contact WatchGuard Customer Care.

"purchaseOrderNumber": "PO12345",
"resellerId": "ACC-12345678",
"lineItems": [
		"sku": "WGM11111",
		"subscriptionContractId": "132456"
		"activationStatus": "Failed. Auto-provisioning error. Please contact WatchGuard Customer Care."

If the purchase order number already exists, the API returns a 400 Bad Request error code with DistributorPoAlreadyUsed in the response body.

If a subscription contract already exists for the specified partner and product SKU, the API returns a 400 Bad Request error code with Contract already exists for Reseller/SKU combination in the response body.

If the specified resellerId does not match the resellerId of an existing partner, the API returns a 400 Bad Request error code with Invalid reseller in the response body.

If the specified sku does not match the SKU of a product in the WatchGuard product catalog, the API returns a 400 Bad Request error code with Invalid sku in the response body.

If you are not authorized to create drop-ship orders, and the isDropShipOrder parameter in the request is true, the API returns a 400 Bad Request error code with This distributor is not authorized for drop ship. A distributor must be authorized for drop ship. in the response body. If you are a distributor who wants to create drop-ship orders, contact [email protected].

If you try to create a drop-ship order for a software product SKU, the API returns a 400 Bad Request error code with Software Subscription Services cannot be drop shipped. in the response body.

If you try to create a drop-ship order for a virtual Firebox product SKU, the API returns a 400 Bad Request error code with DropShip is not valid for FireboxV or Firebox Cloud SKUs. in the response body.

For requests to create purchase orders that include many line items, such as all WatchGuard Endpoint Security products and modules, the Product Order API might sometimes return a 504 Gateway Timeout error with the message Endpoint request timed out. This error does not necessarily indicate that the request failed — the Product Order API might continue to process the request, create the purchase order, and then create the related subscription contracts. To verify the creation of the subscription contracts, wait one or two minutes, then submit a request to the /Contracts endpoint and include the skip request parameter to return the most recent contracts. You can use the purchaseOrderNumber and resellerID parameters in the subscription contract response to verify that a subscription contract was created for your purchase order. If the Product Order API does not create subscription contracts for the request, contact Customer Care.

Subscription Contracts

Subscription contracts include details of a subscription purchased by a partner for a WatchGuard product. You can use the Product Order API to retrieve subscription contracts. You can also cancel subscription contracts, and get license usage information for specific partners or subscription contracts.

For physical hardware subscriptions, you can also assign device serial numbers to subscription contracts.

Get Subscription Contracts

Some information in a subscription contract can change over time. For example, the remaining balance on a three year contract falls as you make monthly payments.

If you want to see the latest details of one or more subscription contracts, you can make calls to the Product Order API to request the information from the WatchGuard database.

Get Subscription Contract Summaries

To get summaries of your subscription contracts from the Product Order API, make a request to the /Contracts endpoint.

To filter the results by the dates the subscription contracts were created or by purchase order, include the optional firstCreationDate, lastCreationDate, and purchaseOrderNumber request parameters:


First date when WatchGuard generated the subscription contract. Must be a valid date.

Example: 01-29-2019


Last date when WatchGuard generated the subscription contract. Must be a valid date.

Example: 01-29-2019


Number of the purchase order to receive subscription contracts for.

Example: 124598-7845


Specifies the number of objects to return.

Maximum is 1000.


Bypasses the specified number of objects before the endpoint returns results.

Maximum is 1000000.

For more information about the take and skip request parameters, see Pagination.

Example Request

This request gets summaries of all subscription contracts that were created in January 2024:

curl -X GET \
	-H 'Accept: application/json' \
	-H 'Authorization: Bearer eyJraWQiOiJNWnpabklNK2V6Q3BXUE...' \
	-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
	-H 'WatchGuard-API-Key: s9t7El6RZFg8UcmRhYKdwXqBhyuioiWER83Nqd0tL'

Example Response

The response body includes a summary of the subscription contracts:

	"results": [{
		"subscriptionContractId": "SB000015591",
		"purchaseOrderNumber": "PO1122344558",
		"sku": "WGM37923",
		"skuDescription": "WatchGuard Firebox M370 with 3-yr Basic Security Suite Monthly Subscription",
		"serialNumber": "",
		"createdDate": "2024-01-11T18:54:46.685Z",
		"startDate": "2024-01-11T18:54:46.685Z",
		"endDate": "2027-01-11T00:00:00+00:00"
	"totalCount": "3"

Get Specific Subscription Contract Details

To request detailed information for a specific subscription contract, send a request to the /Contracts/{subscriptionContractId} endpoint. The request path must include the {subscriptionContractId} path parameter:


ID of an existing subscription contract.

Must be 1 to 12 characters and include only uppercase letters and numbers.

Example: SB000015439

Example Request

This request gets the subscription contract with the ID of SB000015439:

curl -X GET \ 
	-H 'Accept: application/json' \
	-H 'Authorization: Bearer eyJraWQiOiJNWnpabklNK2V6Q3BXUE...' \
	-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
	-H 'WatchGuard-API-Key: s9t7El6RZFg8UcmRhYKdwXqBhyuioiWER83Nqd0tL' 

Example Response

The response body includes full details of the subscription contract:

	"subscriptionContractId": "SB000015439",
	"distributorId": "WGTESTDISTI",
	"resellerId": "ACC-887711223",
	"subscriptionStatus": "PreFulfillment",
	"purchaseOrderNumber": "P574987202580",
	"purchaseOrderReceivedDate": "2019-03-22T00:00:00+00:00",
	"serviceSku": "WGM37923",
	"invoiceSkuDescription": "SB000015439 - 05/01/2019 - 04/30/2022 - 36",
	"applianceSku": "WGM37900",
	"serialNumber": "",
	"totalSubscriptionTermCost": 3110.4,
	"termInMonths": 36,
	"termBillingStartDate": "2019-05-01T00:00:00+00:00",
	"termBillingEndDate": "2022-04-30T00:00:00+00:00",
	"termInvoicesPosted": 0,
	"totalTermChargesInvoiced": 0,
	"remainingInvoicesForTerm": 36,
	"remainingBalance": 3110.4,
	"totalExtensionInvoices": 0,
	"totalExtensionChargesInvoiced": 0,
	"totalSubscriptionLifetimeCost": 0,
	"userCount": 0				

For software subscriptions, the userCount parameter in the response shows the current number of subscription users for the software. For hardware subscriptions, the parameter always shows 0.

If the specified subscriptionContractId does not exist, the API returns the 404 Not Found status code.

If the specified subscriptionContractId is not in the valid format, the API returns the 400 status code.

Assign a Serial Number to a Subscription Contract (Physical Hardware Subscriptions)

Each hardware device is identified by a unique serial number, which appears on the back of the device.

After you create a new purchase order for a physical hardware subscription, the Product Order API automatically generates a new subscription contract for each device in the order. However, because it might take a few days to fulfill the order, the subscription contract does not yet include the serial number of the actual device that you will send to the partner.

After you ship a device from your warehouse to the partner, you can make a call to the Product Order API to add the serial number of the device to the associated subscription contract.

Do not make a request to this endpoint to assign a serial number to a virtual Firebox (FireboxV or Firebox Cloud). WatchGuard automatically assigns a serial number to subscription contracts for virtual Fireboxes.

Do not make a request to this endpoint to assign a serial number to a subscription contract for a drop-ship order. WatchGuard assigns the serial number to subscription contracts for drop-ship orders when we ship the devices from our warehouse to the partner.

To add a serial number to a subscription contract, make a request to the /Contracts/{subscriptionContractId}/SerialNumber endpoint.

In the subscriptionContractId path parameter, you must include the ID of the subscription contract object you want to assign the serial number to:


ID of an existing subscription contract.

Must be 1 to 12 characters and include only uppercase letters and numbers.

Example: SB000015439

The request body must include the serial number in the serialNumber parameter:


Serial number of the physical device to assign to the subscription contract. Required.

The device must match the model of the product SKU in the subscription contract, must exist in your inventory, and must not be assigned to any other active subscription contract.

Must be 13 characters and can include only uppercase letters and numbers.

Example: 108302A94PT4H

If you do not assign a device serial number to the physical hardware subscription contract, WatchGuard cancels the contract automatically when the grace period ends.

Example Request

This request assigns the serial number DDD3321234678 to the subscription contract SB000015439:

curl -X PUT \ 
	-H 'Accept: application/json' \
	-H 'Authorization: Bearer eyJraWQiOiJNWnpabklNK2V6Q3BXUE...' \
	-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
	-H 'WatchGuard-API-Key: s9t7El6RZFg8UcmRhYKdwXqBhyuioiWER83Nqd0tL' \
	 -d '{
		"serialNumber": "DDD3321234678"

Example Response

If the API successfully updates the subscription contract, it returns a 204 Success status code.

If the subscription contract specified in the subscriptionContractId path parameter does not exist, the API returns the 404 Not Found error code.

If the serial number specified in the request body serialNumber parameter is not a valid serial number for a WatchGuard device in your inventory, the API returns the 400 Bad Request error code with SerialNumberNotFound in the response body.

If the serial number specified in the request body serialNumber parameter is not in the correct format, the API returns a 400 error code with 'serial Number' is not in the correct format in the response body.

If you try to assign a serial number to a subscription contract for a software product or virtual Firebox, the API returns a 400 error code with Cannot assign Serial Number to a Software, FireboxV, or Firebox Cloud contract. in the response body.

Cancel Subscription Contracts

You can cancel an active subscription contract if there is a problem, such as when a customer stops payments for a device or cancels an order. Cancellations take effect at the end of the month.

To cancel a subscription contract, send a request to the /Contracts/{subscriptionContractId}/Cancel endpoint.

The request path must include the subscriptionContractId path parameter:


ID of an existing active subscription contract.

Must be 1 to 12 characters and include only uppercase letters and numbers.

Example: SB000015439

The request body must include the cancelReason parameter:


Reason to cancel the subscription contract.

This can be one of these reasons:

  • CustomerRequest
  • ResellerRequest
  • ShippingIssue
  • NonPayment
  • OrderError


"cancelReason": "OrderError"

Customers cannot activate devices that are associated with canceled subscription contracts. If a distributor cancels a contract before the associated device is activated, the distributor can then associate the device with a new subscription contract, and activate it.

Example Request

This request cancels the subscription contract SB000015439 because of an error with the order:

curl -X PUT \ 
	-H 'Accept: application/json' \
	-H 'Authorization: Bearer eyJraWQiOiJNWnpabklNK2V6Q3BXUE...' \
	-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
	-H 'WatchGuard-API-Key: s9t7El6RZFg8UcmRhYKdwXqBhyuioiWER83Nqd0tL' \
	-d '{
		"cancelReason": "OrderError"

Example Response

If the request succeeds, the server responds with a 204 Success status code and sets the value of the subscriptionStatus parameter in the specified subscription contract object to Cancelled.

If the specified subscriptionContractId does not exist, the API returns the 404 Not Found status code.

If the specified subscriptionContractId is already canceled, the API returns a 400 status code with SubscriptionNotActive in the response body.

Get License Usage Details

Because of a known issue, the /Contracts/UsageDetails endpoint might not return accurate license usage information for subscriptions created before April 2023.

You can retrieve license usage information for subscription contracts, so that you can see how many licenses a partner used in a specified time period. The response includes usage details for the first day of the month and any other date that usage changed during the specified time period.

To retrieve license usage details, send a request to the /Contracts/UsageDetails endpoint.

You can request license usage information for specific partners and specific subscription contracts. You can also choose whether to show usage details broken down for specific customer (tenant) accounts.

When you send a request to this endpoint, you can include these request parameters:


Specifies the first month you want to retrieve license usage information for. You can retrieve a maximum of three months of license usage information.

Specify the month in the format mmyyyy. For example, for January 2022, specify 012022.

Example: 012022


Specifies the last month you want to retrieve license usage information for. You can retrieve a maximum of three months of license usage information.

Specify the month in the format mmyyyy. For example, for March 2022, specify 032022.

Example: 032022


Unique ID that identifies the partner you want to retrieve license usage information for. This is the partner ID that appears in the partner profile on the WatchGuard portal.

Must be between 11 and 13 characters. Format is ACC-xxxxxxx, where xxxxxxx is a number.

Example: ACC-1235467


ID of an existing subscription contract you want to retrieve license usage information for.

Must be 1 to 12 characters and include only uppercase letters and numbers.

Example: SB000015439


Specify whether to show license usage details for each customer (tenant) account in the response.

Specify True to show license usage details for each customer (tenant) account in the customers response. Specify False to not show license usage details for each customer (tenant) account.

The default value is True.

Example: True


Specifies the number of objects to return.

Maximum is 1000. Default is 100.


Bypasses the specified number of objects before the endpoint returns results.

Maximum is 1000000. Default is 0.

For more information about the Take and Skip request parameters, see Pagination.

Example Request

This request gets license usage details for subscription contracts for February and March 2024. The response will include data for customer accounts.

curl -X GET \
	-H 'Accept: application/json' \
	-H 'Authorization: Bearer eyJraWQiOiJNWnpabklNK2V6Q3BXUE...' \
	-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
	-H 'WatchGuard-API-Key: s9t7El6RZFg8UcmRhYKdwXqBhyuioiWER83Nqd0tL'

Example Response

The response body includes details of the license usage.

  "pagination": {
    "totalCount": 1,
    "skip": 0,
    "take": 1
  "contracts": [
      "subscriptionContractId": "SB000015591",
      "resellerId": "ACC-887711223",
      "productDescription": "WatchGuard AuthPoint Subscription Provisioning",
      "usage": [
          "usageDate": "2024-02-01T00:00:00+00:00",
          "totalCount": 8,
          "customers": [
              "endCustomerId": "WGC-1-298354e4f95a2091b248",
              "endCustomerName": "Example Customer",
              "userCount": 0,
              "delegatedAllocation": false
              "endCustomerId": "WGC-1-309263e3f87a1907a756",
              "endCustomerName": "Example Customer 2",
              "userCount": 8,
              "delegatedAllocation": false
          "usageDate": "2024-02-11T00:00:00+00:00",
          "totalCount": 10,
          "customers": [
              "endCustomerId": "WGC-1-298354e4f95a2091b248",
              "endCustomerName": "Example Customer",
              "userCount": 2,
              "delegatedAllocation": false
              "endCustomerId": "WGC-1-309263e3f87a1907a756",
              "endCustomerName": "Example Customer 2",
              "userCount": 8,
              "delegatedAllocation": false
          "usageDate": "2024-02-26T00:00:00+00:00",
          "totalCount": 8,
          "customers": [
              "endCustomerId": "WGC-1-309263e3f87a1907a756",
              "endCustomerName": "Example Customer 2",
              "userCount": 8,
              "delegatedAllocation": false

Get Drop-Ship Order Details

Drop-ship orders are orders that WatchGuard fulfills on behalf of a distributor. When you create a new purchase order, you can use the isDropShipOrder parameter to specify if the order will be drop-shipped. For more information, see Create a New Purchase Order.

To retrieve shipping information and other details for a drop-ship order, send a request to the /Contracts/DropShipInfo/{subscriptionContractId} endpoint.

When you send a request to this endpoint, you must include this request parameter:


ID of an existing subscription contract you want to retrieve drop-ship order details for.

Must be 1 to 12 characters and include only uppercase letters and numbers.

Example: SB000015439

Example Request

This request gets drop-ship order details for subscription contract SB000015439.

curl -X GET \
	-H 'Accept: application/json' \
	-H 'Authorization: Bearer eyJraWQiOiJNWnpabklNK2V6Q3BXUE...' \
	-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
	-H 'WatchGuard-API-Key: s9t7El6RZFg8UcmRhYKdwXqBhyuioiWER83Nqd0tL'

Example Response

The response body includes the drop-ship order details for the specified subscription contract.

  "shippingTrackingNumber": "9610 1385 2890",
  "shipMethod": "FEDEX GROUND",
  "companyName": "Example Company",
  "contactName": "Maria Rodriguez",
  "carrierAccountNumber": "123456789",
  "PhoneExtension": "1",
  "PhoneNumber": "1234567890",
  "SerialNumber": "108302A94PT4H",
  "OrderNumber": "55498745",
  "shipToAddress": {
    "streetAddress1": "505 5th Avenue South",
    "streetAddress2": "Suite 500",
    "streetAddress3": "",
    "city": "Seattle",
    "state": "WA",
    "postalCode": "98104",
    "country": "United States"


Invoices are statements of the amount of money owed by a distributor. You can use the Product Order API to retrieve invoices.

WatchGuard invoices distributors monthly for any active subscription contracts. You can get details of your invoices from the Product Order API.

WatchGuard includes all invoices with the same invoice date on a single consolidated invoice. Each line item on the consolidated invoice represents an invoice for a specific billing period of a specific subscription contract.

Distributors should not use invoices to view all of their subscription contracts, because invoices do not include lines for suspended or canceled subscription contracts, or subscription contracts billed on a different invoice cycle.

Get Invoice Summaries

To get summaries of your consolidated invoices, send a request to the /Invoices endpoint. To filter the results by invoice date, include the optional startDate and endDate request parameters.


First date when WatchGuard generated the invoice. Must be a valid date.

Example: 01-29-2019


Last date when WatchGuard generated the invoice. Must be a valid date.

Example: 01-29-2019


Specifies the number of objects to return.

Minimum value is 1. Maximum value is 1000. Default value is 100.


Bypasses the specified number of objects before the endpoint returns results.

Default value is 0.

You can also use the take and skip request parameters to request pages of results. For more information, see Pagination.

Example Request

This request gets all consolidated invoices with an invoice date in January 2019:

curl -X GET \
	-H 'Accept: application/json' \
	-H 'Authorization: Bearer eyJraWQiOiJNWnpabklNK2V6Q3BXUE...' \
	-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
	-H 'WatchGuard-API-Key: s9t7El6RZFg8UcmRhYKdwXqBhyuioiWER83Nqd0tL' 

Example Response

The response body includes summaries of the requested consolidated invoices in the summaries array:

"totalRowCount": 1,
"summaries": [
	"invoiceNumber": "SBINV0000000046",
	"invoiceDate": "2019-03-26T00:00:00+00:00",
	"dueDate": "2019-05-10T00:00:00+00:00",
	"purchaseOrderNumber": "TBD",
	"paymentTerms": "1% 15, Net 45 Days",
	"total": 403.2

Get Specific Invoice Details

To request details of a specific consolidated invoice, send a request to the /Invoices/{InvoiceNumber} endpoint. The request path must include the invoiceNumber path parameter:


ID of an existing invoice.

Must be at least 13 characters and include only uppercase letters, numbers, and underscores.

Example Request

This request gets the consolidated invoice with an invoice ID of SBINV0000000046:

curl -X GET \ 
	-H 'Accept: application/json' \
	-H 'Authorization: Bearer eyJraWQiOiJNWnpabklNK2V6Q3BXUE...' \
	-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
	-H 'WatchGuard-API-Key: s9t7El6RZFg8UcmRhYKdwXqBhyuioiWER83Nqd0tL'

Example Response

The response body includes details of the consolidated invoice. The lineItems array includes separate items for each invoice that is included in the consolidated invoice.

	"invoiceNumber": "SBINV0000000046",
	"invoiceDate": "2019-03-26T00:00:00+00:00",
	"dueDate": "2019-05-10T00:00:00+00:00",
	"billToAddress": {
	"addressLine1": "44299 Nobel Drive",
	"addressLine2": "",
	"addressLine3": "",
	"city": "Fremont",
	"state": "CA",
	"zipCode": "94538",
	"country": "UNITED STATES",
	"phoneNumber": "51055512129999"
	"watchGuardAddress": {
	"addressLine1": "505 5th Ave S Ste 500",
	"addressLine2": "",
	"addressLine3": "",
	"city": "Seattle",
	"state": "WA",
	"zipCode": "98104-3892",
	"country": "UNITED STATES",
	"phoneNumber": "00000000000000"
	"billToDistributorName": "WG Test Distributor",
	"purchaseOrderNumber": "TBD",
	"paymentTerms": "1% 15, Net 45 Days",
	"lineItems": [
		"subscriptionContractId": "SB000015652",
		"sku": "WGM37913",
		"description": "WatchGuard Firebox M370 with 3-yr Standard Support Monthly Subscription",
		"serialNumber": "",
		"quantity": 1,
		"unitPrice": 50.4,
		"markdown": 0,
		"extendendPrice": 0,
		"billingStartDate": "2019-03-01T00:00:00+00:00",
		"billingEndDate": "2019-03-31T00:00:00+00:00"
		"subscriptionContractId": "SB000015652",
		"sku": "WGM37913",
		"description": "WatchGuard Firebox M370 with 3-yr Standard Support Monthly Subscription",
		"serialNumber": "",
		"quantity": 1,
		"unitPrice": 50.4,
		"markdown": 0,
		"extendendPrice": 0,
		"billingStartDate": "2019-04-01T00:00:00+00:00",
		"billingEndDate": "2019-04-30T00:00:00+00:00"

For software products, the sku parameter includes a SKU that reflects the product license usage for that month.