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Change WebBlocker Categories to Deny

The list of categories you can configure in the WebBlocker configuration depends on which type of server you choose. When you add a WebBlocker profile, you select a server to use for WebBlocker. The list of categories you can configure in the WebBlocker configuration depends on which type of server you choose.

On the Categories tab in a WebBlocker configuration, you can configure the categories that WebBlocker denies.

Configure Websense Cloud Categories

If you configured WebBlocker to use the Websense cloud option, you configure the action for each Websense category or subcategory. Select the check box adjacent to a category to select all subcategories.

The top level categories are more than a summation of the subcategories they contain. Websense can also use the top level categories to classify websites that fit the description of the category, but do not fit the description of any subcategory.

For more information about Websense cloud categories, see About WebBlocker Websense Categories.

Configure SurfControl Categories

If you configured WebBlocker to use a WebBlocker Server with SurfControl, you select which SurfControl categories to deny.

For more information about SurfControl categories, see About WebBlocker SurfControl Categories.

To make sure WebBlocker denies connections to websites that hide their identities deny the Proxies & Translators category.

Send an Alarm when a Site is Denied

You can configure WebBlocker to send an alarm if a user tries to go to a site and access is denied. In the Action to Take section, select Alarm if denied. The authenticated user's name is displayed in the alarm text to help you track violations.

To set parameters for the alarms, click the Alarm tab. For information on the fields in this dialog box, see Set Logging and Notification Preferences.

Log WebBlocker Actions

You can define WebBlocker to send a message to the log file if a user tries to go to a site and is denied. In the Action to Take section, select Log this action.

See Also

Get Started with WebBlocker (Web)

Configure WebBlocker

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