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About spamBlocker Exceptions
You can create an exception list to the general spamBlocker actions that is based on the sender’s or recipient's address. For example, if you want to allow a newsletter that spamBlocker identifies as Confirmed Spam email, you can add that sender to the exception list and use the Allow action regardless of the spamBlocker category the sender is assigned to. Or, if you want to apply a tag to a sender that spamBlocker designates as safe, you can add that to the exceptions list as well.
Make sure you use the sender’s actual address that appears in the X-WatchGuard-Mail-From line in the Internet header of the message. This is the address that was specified in the MAIL FROM command in the SMTP transaction, and might not match the address you see in the From field when you look at the email message. For example, to see the Internet header for a message in Microsoft Outlook, with the message open, in the Options group, click the Dialog Box Launcher icon , and look in the Internet headers box. The addresses of the sender and recipient are in these lines:
Be careful when you add wildcards to an exception. Spammers can spoof header information. The more specific the addresses in your exception list, the more difficult it is to spoof them.
To add an exception rule, see Add spamBlocker Exception Rules.
You can also add exception rules by writing them in an ASCII file and importing them into your Firebox configuration. See Import and Export spamBlocker Exception Rules.