Customize Access Portal Page Elements with CSS
To customize page elements of the Access Portal, you can download a .CSS file from your Firebox. After you edit the file, upload it to your Firebox to preview and save the changes.
In the .CSS file, you can specify settings for these page elements:
- Links
- Buttons
- Text boxes
- Drop-down lists
- Login window
- Applications page
To customize the page title, header and login logos, and the background image, go to Customize the Access Portal Images.
The steps to customize Access Portal page elements are different in Fireware v12.1.x. If your Firebox has Fireware v12.1.x, see Customize Access Portal Page Elements with CSS in Fireware v12.1.x in the WatchGuard Knowledge Base.
Download the .CSS File

- Select Subscription Services > Access Portal.
- Select the Customization tab.
- Adjacent to the Custom CSS file check box, click Download the example CSS file.
The .CSS file opens in your browser. - To edit the .CSS file, save it to your local computer. For information about which elements you can edit, see the Edit the CSS File section in this topic.
For information about which elements you can edit, see the next section of this topic.

- Select Subscription Services > Access Portal.
- Select the User Connection Settings tab.
- Select the Customization tab.
- Click view.
- Select a text editor on your computer to open the file.
- To edit the file, save it to your local computer. For information about which elements you can edit, see the Edit the CSS File section in this topic.
For information about which elements you can edit, see the next section of this topic.
Edit the .CSS File
To edit the .CSS file you saved from the Firebox, open it in a text editor. You can change the style of the elements in this list.
Upload the Edited .CSS File
After you edit the .CSS file, you must upload it to your Firebox.

- Select Subscription Services > Access Portal.
- Select the Customization tab.
- Select the Custom CSS file check box.
- Click Choose File and browse to the edited .CSS file.
- Click Upload.
A confirmation message appears when the file upload completes. - Click Preview Login Page or Preview Application Page to preview your changes.
The preview page opens in a new window. - Click Save.

- Select Subscription Services > Access Portal.
- Select the Customization tab.
- Select Custom CSS File.
- Click the Upload Custom CSS File button.
- Browse to the edited .CSS file and click OK.
The Upload Custom .CSS File dialog box appears.
- Type the IP address, user name, and password for your Firebox.
- Click OK.
A confirmation dialog box appears.