Add a Dimension or WSM Log Server

You can configure the Firebox to send log messages to up to two sets of Log Servers at the same time. For each Log Server set, you designate one Log Server as the primary (Priority 1) server. All other Log Servers in the set are the backup servers. Each log server you specify can be a Dimension Server or WSM Log Server.

In the Firebox logging settings, each Log Server set is specified on a separate tab: Log Servers 1 or Log Servers 2. You can add a maximum of five Log Server addresses to each Log Servers list. When you enable your device to send log messages to WatchGuard Log Servers, you must add at least one server on the Log Servers 1 tab. To send a parallel set of log messages to another WatchGuard Log Server, you can add at least one server on the Log Servers 2 tab. Then, your device sends the same log messages to the Log Servers specified on both Log Servers tabs at the same time.

For both sets of Log Servers, if the Firebox cannot connect to the primary Log Server in the set, it tries to connect to the next Log Server in the priority list for that set. If the device examines each Log Server in the list and cannot connect, it tries to connect to the first Log Server in the list again. When the primary Log Server is not available, and the device is connected to a backup Log Server, the device tries to reconnect to the primary Log Server every 6 minutes. This does not impact the device connection to the backup Log Server until the primary Log Server is available.

Verify Log Server Connection Status

You can see the status of the connection to the Log Server in the Front Panel in Firebox System Manager and Fireware Web UI. The Front Panel shows the IP address of each log server the Firebox is connected to. If the Firebox cannot connect to a configured log server, an error message appears instead of an IP address.

Related Topics

Configure Database Size, Authentication Key, and Diagnostic Log Settings

Set Log Server Priority